Public Service Design

Together with CityLAB Berlin, Politics for Tomorrow has published a handbook for innovative work in administration. It contains in-depth background knowledge and a diverse collection of templates and work documents tailored to public administration, allowing for a direct entry into new and effective working methods. The handbook provides an easy introduction to new and effective working practices. It systematically imparts the necessary fundamentals for developing public innovations—visible products and services, as well as invisible procedures and processes—in a results-oriented and needs-based manner.

The book includes a diverse collection of 50+ templates and work documents tailored to public administration. They explain innovation methods and describe what is needed for implementation, the steps to be taken, and the expected outcomes. The book is aimed at individuals working in or with public administrations and organisations. It equips them with the tools to conduct innovation processes independently and without external assistance. We ensured that this book is self-explanatory and empowers readers to take initiative.


Partner: Technologiestiftung Berlin

Contact: Benjamin Seibel

2019 – 2020