In the last five years, numerous innovation labs have emerged in various forms within the public sector and at the intersections of civil society, science, and business. International developments and the increasing pressure to deal with uncertain futures have accelerated the establishment of public innovation units in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. On one hand, these units address significant societal issues, and on the other hand, they are engaged in the immediate transformation of everyday work routines within public institutions.
In addition to building competencies and exploring various specialised topics, many of us are involved in shaping digitisation for the common good. What unites this community is the shared goal of enhancing the innovation capabilities of government and administrative organisations and promoting effective and contemporary collaboration between the state and society. The LabCamp format has been created to exchange diverse experiences and learn from one another. Since May 2020, we have been using this networking meeting of public innovation labs for the needs-based exchange among practitioners in a safe space.
Partner: Self-initiative in cooperation with CityLAB Berlin
Contact: Benjamin Seibel
2020 – ongoing