EU Policy Labs

In collaboration with the ZOE Institute for Future-fit Economies, we have been working since 2019 within the context of various Policy Labs for the European Commission. These multi-stakeholder workshops provide an experimental space for actors from EU bureaucracy, selected scientists, and representatives from businesses and NGOs. 

The initial labs aimed to make the topic of "growth constraints'' understandable and experiential: What structurally prevents policies from pursuing goals other than economic growth? What can individuals specifically do to contribute to a shift away from economic growth? In the Policy Lab "Ensuring a Green Recovery," long-term challenges for achieving the EU's climate and biodiversity goals were discussed. The Policy Lab "Just Recovery'' used COVID-19 recovery programs as a basis and focused on how a fair distribution of the benefits resulting from the green recovery can be achieved. A particular focus was on pathways to secure livelihoods, higher-quality jobs, and greater equality. 

Currently, we are working on a series of Policy Labs on 1.5-Degree Lifestyles, aiming to integrate behavioural and systemic infrastructural changes into policy-making. The project brings influential policy makers together with the common goal of a climate-neutral Europe. Furthermore, through these interactive formats, the exchange between various DGs in the EU Commission is promoted, and a fundamental discussion on economic approaches is stimulated, aiming to enable the well-being of all residents within planetary boundaries.


Partner: ZOE Institute

Contact: Christoph Gran

2019 – ongoing