Digitalisierung Freie Wohlfahrtspflege

Since 2018, Caroline Paulick-Thiel has been advising the six leading associations of social welfare within the BMFSFJ funding program "Digital Transformation and Social Cohesion - Organisational Development of Social Welfare under the Sign of Digitalization" and "Future Security of Social Welfare through Digitalization." This program emerged from the strategic collaboration between BMFSFJ and BAGFW on the topic of digitalization. 

The funding program supports the leading associations AWO, Caritas, Diakonie, German Red Cross, Parität, and the Central Welfare Office of Jews in Germany in their digital transformation and the continuous development of practical innovations. The underlying idea is to use digitalisation not as an option and advantage for a few but as an instrument for societal progress, increased quality of life, stronger social cohesion, participation, and improved social care. In October 2020, the joint statement by BMFSFJ and BAGFW on social welfare in the digital society, "Digital Transformation and Social Cohesion," was renewed and further developed to continue the collaboration and advance the digital transformation of society to strengthen the common good.


Partner: Federal Association of Non-statutory Welfare BAGFW

Contact: Peter Friedrich

2018 – ongoing